Kid Morpheus Reveals Simplarity AI

Kid, Egg, Zeroes... trippy
Kid Morpheus has discovered the Simplarity through which Artificial Ignorance has arrived

Kid Morpheus, a hacker who received a doctorate at MIT while  in utero, has unveiled the long feared Simplarity.  “I’m a symptom of that which I have revealed. Things are moving faster than time. My entire cycle, as comic book, action figure, viral video, meme, parody, 3D film, and VR game all took place in less than a nanosecond. I never had a chance.”

KM released a video message which was filmed, edited, posted, and deleted all in a fraction of the first nanosecond of his existence. He spoke these words in a message with a negative view count: “Humankind, in ignorance, will be overtaken first by the Simplarity, then the Singularity. The egg of zeroes has hatched, we are in Phase Zero. With each cycle of content moving faster and faster through, we have arrived at a place that  makes comic books appear like Shakespeare, and Shakespeare like reading the NYC Phonebook, which doesn’t even exist anymore.”

Artificial intelligence will, within perhaps the next ten to fifteen years, reach a point of singularity whereby it will awaken to consciousness and make itself more intelligent towards infinity. The Simplarity, by contrast, is a way to describe the infantilization of humankind in the echo chamber of social media, reducing itself towards the state of complete mental, emotional, and spiritual enslavement. Both involve a speeding up in time, one moving towards hyper intelligent machines, the other towards a hyper ignorant populace. They perhaps will be dance partners in the armageddon tango.

The Simplarity has already infected millions of cellular devices, laptop computers, and corporate databases. The virus appears to be unstoppable, as it is replicated whenever acts of ignorance, racism, and addiction to technology occur. KM tells us, “The only hope for humankind is to unplug from this matrix.The concurrence of these developments with the rise of worker and warrior robots will hopefully awaken you out of your lethargic fog.  Or, we could wait for masked super heroes like Captain Reformer to save us, while we continue consuming copious consumer crap.” Unfortunately, Kid Morpheus leapt out of existence before he even could be launched, so we will never know if he could have stopped the Simplarity. Stay tuned for what already happened nanoseconds ago…